The Holiday Inn Ordway Dr. was the site of the eloquent Historial Valley Baptist Association (VBA) and its Women’s Auxiliary held Saturday, Oct. 5. Eight retired local pastors with over 300 combined years of service were recognized during the event. They were: Revs. Purcell L. Barrett, Ulas Broady, Edward T. Burton, Paul Johnson, Raleigh E. Johnson, Sr., Tommy London, Thomas A. Woods, Sr. and Kenneth Wright.
Each was presented a “Certificate of Appreciation” for strong leadership with their respective churches, community work, and a Medallion engraved with each respective name on the back and “Valley Baptist Association 2019” engraved on the front.
Former Vice Mayor Anita James Price, representing the City of Roanoke, read the Letter of Recognition from the Mayor’s Office that was presented to each honoree.
High Street Pastor Rev, Dr. Serenus Churns delivered the powerful Message of the evening from the subject “God’s Gift”, (Ephesians 4:11-12).
Elder Steven Hayes provided the music including his unique total audience participation style leadership.
Everyone in attendance will certainly proclaim this as an Historical occasion, with awesome fellowship!
Rev. Ronald E. Brown, Sr., is VBA, moderator; Gloria D. Hale, is VBA Women’s Auxiliary, president.