On June 17, representatives from American National Bank & Trust Company (ANB&TC), Edward Martin, Executive Vice President, and Lutheria Smith, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, presented a check for $5,000 to TAP’s Bringing Hope Home Campaign. This donation will help Total Action for Progress (TAP) meet the needs of families seeking a better quality of life through housing and financial services.
Annette Lewis, TAP president states, “TAP is grateful to American National Bank & Trust Company for its contribution. It is evident that the company has a commitment to the community and shares TAP’s mission to help individuals and families achieve sustainable, equitable economic and personal independence.”
ANB&TC states, “We are very appreciative of the great work TAP does in our community and are excited to contribute to TAP’s efforts surrounding housing and home ownership.”
About American National Bank & Trust Company:
“At American National Bank & Trust Company, we believe being local is more than just having an office in the community. It’s about looking out for our customers with better banking options and quick, local decisions. It’s about supporting local community organizations and working with local businesses that are so vital to our communities. And more than anything, it’s about people – local people who are passionate about serving the needs of the valuable customers and businesses that make each community unique. Established in 1909 in Danville, Virginia, we have a long legacy of helping people and communities thrive. With multiple banking locations in Virginia and North Carolina, we are proud to be your community’s hometown bank.”
This year, TAP celebrated 56 years of providing education, employment, safe and affordable housing, economic development, and domestic violence services to members of the community.
To find out more about TAP’s campaign visit http://tapintohope.org/bringinghopehome