In celebration of Whitney M. Young, founder, National Urban League Boy Scouts of America will hold its annual award banquet Thursday, September 30, 2021 (6:00 pm) at Salem Civic Center.
This year’s honoree is Coach Millard Bolden who has dedicated his life to youth in the city of Roanoke. Bolden graduated from William Fleming High School. Upon his return from Virginia Union University in Richmond, “COACH” as he is known by most, began working with youth regarding the formation of Top Gun Camp, youth mentor programs, Lock-ins at the YMCA and many more opportunities that keep young people off the streets.
Coach Bolden embodies the principles of the Whitney M. Young Award and the Boy Scouts of America.
Whitney M. Young, Jr., was a civil rights leader who spearheaded the drive for equal opportunity for African Americans in U.S. industry and government service during his 10 years as head of the National Urban League (1961–71), the world’s largest social-civil rights organization. His advocacy of a “Domestic Marshall Plan”—massive funds to help solve America’s racial problems—was felt to have strongly influenced federal poverty programs sponsored by Democratic Party administrations in Washington (1963–69).
During his time as president of the National Urban League and for many years after, Young served on the National Executive Board for the Boy Scouts of America. In his role of advocate for all youth to participate in scouting programs, Young built a legacy for scouting in the African American community. When Young stepped off the National Executive Board he gave permission for the Boy Scouts of America to create an award to recognize leaders in the community who had a significant impact on youth.
For more information contact Boy Scouts of America at 540-265-0656. Damon Williams ‘2021 Event Chair.’