Announcing the launch of the VMCC Merch Store on their existing website, featuring the Black Buddha Blunts brand, the Virginia Minority Cannabis Coalition celebrates the newest strategic innovation in their continuing commitment to expand equity for people of color in legal commercial cannabis nationwide.
“Our mission has always been to identify and help prepare prospective cannabis industry entrepreneurs to exploit business opportunities across the board, not just in growing, processing or dispensary ownership,” explains Paul McLean, founder and executive director of Hampton Roads, Virginia-based VMCC. . The web stores are constructed on a platform hosted by Teepublic of New York City. Regi, who was recently appointed Politics Editor At-Large with Harlem World Magazine in Manhattan, is also a contributor at Humor Times political satire magazine based in Sacramento, California, where he created and publishes the DC C.R.A.P. series. “We’re glad to collaborate with Regi as a committed supporter of VMCC’s cannabis industry equity initiative, according to McLean. “We see the value in cannabis merch ecommerce as a huge opportunity in the near term, and we encourage it. The merch web store is a cannabis micro-business that allows our clients to exercise all the administrative skills we teach them in preparation to grow entrepreneurially as their opportunities in legal cannabis expands, establishing their brands and earning them revenue in the meantime.” Mr. McLean will also be setting other trends with VMCC in 2024, announcing details soon of another equity initiative in legal cannabis regarding the expansion of opportunities for people of color in all areas of business management, including jobs in the science and tech sectors. For more info about VMCC, including their cannabis business bootcamp cohorts, contact Paul McLean at . Interested in owning a cannabis merch web store? Contact Regi at today. (mention VMCC for discounts and special incentives. limited time offer).
“In an industry that barely grossed $1.5 billion in sales 10 years ago, that is now projected to generate as much as $35 billion this year, it is apparent that their exists many ancillary commercial niches for innovative, cannabis-related entrepreneurs to develop,” McLean elaborated. “We are continuing our strong advocacy, leading the way by setting trends we recognize on the horizon, and offering our clients the full range of administrative tools they must have to navigate and achieve success in the legal cannabis business space,” Paul concludes. VMCC has partnered with Baltimore-based cannabis advocate, journalist, author, and artist, Regi Taylor, to introduce a cannabis-themed custom-designed merchandise web store template that entrepreneurs can franchise fairly inexpensively to establish their brand and their foothold in legal cannabis. Taylor’s merch franchises are modeled after his site