Many years ago, while The Tribune was still on Henry Street, I did a series of editorials on the ABC’s of life–in alphabetical order. Don’t worry! I don’t intend to start it over again. I just stumbled upon one of them in the ‘C’ category that I feel most appropriate in this newer, freer society.
The first (alien) crucial C was Courtesy, an old fashioned virtue that has become practically extinct in today’s modern social media-driven society, making the one extending it stand out as distinctively different. Among the countless simple ways in which courtesy can be extended let’s begin with speaking courteously of and to others, as we would wish of ourselves. Especially behind the wheel of a vehicle, how inconceivable the accidents that could be prevented through more courtesy.
Comfort and Convenience are two more familiar C’s constantly pursued by most, in this nation in particular. Yet I will be ever mindful of an interesting point of view brought to our attention many years ago by Dr. Dwight Allen, a former professor at ODU (Old Dominion University) while living in Africa at the time. Dr. Allen pointed out the fact that in some parts of the world social status is determined by the number of servants one has. In this American nation, however, due to the advancement of science and technology and the increase of specialized social and professional services and agencies, for the first time in the history of man, the comfort and convenience of one person is not dependent upon the discomfort of another. Therefore servants in this nation are now practically a thing of the past.
Unfortunately, in the all-important C of communication, the more advanced the technology, the wider the gap between mates, parents and children, students and teachers, labor and management, political parties, men and nations. If we are on the right track we are obviously going the wrong way. Or are we blinded to the fact that the media serves as the circulatory system of society just as veins and arteries serve to the human body. To continuously pump poison through either is to reap sickness and decay.
The real biggie of the C’s however is Change-–which most tend to fear, resist and/or reject. Yet all things in nature change. Nothing stays the same but revolves in perfect symmetry-–except when man interferes. History clearly proves that man has been able to change everything–but man.
Another most crucial C is Control, most commonly preferred over others yet most beneficial when exercised over one’s self. How numerous the wars, domestic to world-wide, continuously being fought over control, of feelings, actions, people and (or as) property? Ironically both courage and cowardice begin with C but although cowardice denotes the absence of courage, Courage does not necessarily denote the absence of fear–only temporary control over it.
This brings us to the final Crucial C’s of Consultation, through our spiritual nature, possessed only by man, as opposed to Confrontation through our animal nature by choice. Control has a much nobler meaning when exercised over our own attitudes and subsequent actions which in turn Control our destiny–as men and nations.