Two years ago, Brother Demare Gill, MWPHGLVA, Alleghany-Dunbar Lodge 109 (AD #109), envisioned the reactivation of the AD #109 Prince Hall Mason Knights of Pythagoras (KOP) Youth Program here in Roanoke named E.S. Brown #2. Together with Brother Bernard Johnson, they transformed a small group of five outstanding young men into a highly successful group with an excellent parent/family support system.
On July 12-14 the group attended the 43rd North Carolina KOP Joint Youth Assemblage in Raleigh, NC along with groups from New York, Connecticut, Virginia, and North Carolina.
At this Assemblage, KOP members were exposed to lessons in leadership, personal self-improvement and organizational skills. Other activities included participation in different sporting functions which enhanced their development in sportsmanship and comraderie.
During the 38th Annual North Carolina KOP Joint Assemblage Awards Banquet on Friday July 13, E.S. Brown #2, KOP received numerous State awards including: the Virginia Council of the Year, Parent Support Group of the Year, KOP Co-Advisors of the Year, Elementary School Youth of the Year (Marvin Fields), Middle School Youth of the Year Finalist (Jatavion Johnson), and High School Youth of the Year Finalists Keanu Arrington and Ricky Shifflett Jr. Arrington was also elected State Senior Knight Deacon and Ricky Shifflett Jr. was elected State Knight Chaplin.