by Melinda Mayo, Communications and Media Officer, City of Roanoke
On Saturday, July 14, the first city-sponsored neighborhood clean-up event took place. Titled “Clean Sweep,” the event was conducted in the neighborhoods within the Melrose-Orange-Loudon-Rugby sections of the City of Roanoke. The boundaries of the area cleaned were from Lafayette Boulevard, west to 10th Street NW east; and from Andrews Road, north to Shenandoah Avenue south.
Efforts were focused on collecting trash, bulk, and brush. City crews collected more than 38-tons for the day, which equates to almost 1,100 full Big Blue containers – as much as is collected from the Northwest section of this city on a regular Monday collection day. The team also collected 90 tires from residents and from the roadsides.
A total of 58 staff members from city departments and divisions including Solid Waste, Stormwater, Sustainability, Neighborhood Services, Code Enforcement, Lead-Safe, Police, Fire-EMS, Sheriff’s Office, Roanoke Public Libraries, Social Services, and Citizen Engagement participated in the clean-up. In addition, more than 35 volunteers participated in picking up litter and recyclables along right-of-way areas.
Jeffrey Powell, Solid Waste Manager stated that “this clean-up is the first step in creating a cleaner, safer, and more beautiful neighborhood. We encourage residents and landlords to maintain the appearance going forward.”
Residents are asked to call 853-2000, option 1, when they see citizens not maintaining trash, bulk, and brush properly in their neighborhood.