The Roanoke Chapter of Chums, Inc., supports and enriches Literacy when guided by, “Listen to the Children…enrich their lives,” a national theme of The Chums, Inc.
“Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty, but offered as a gift,” Charles Scribner, Jr.
On May 7, The Roanoke Chapter of Chums, Inc., supported its national theme by donating two display bookstands to the Roanoke Eureka Park Recreation Center. Also, 175 assorted books ranging from preschool to third grade were donated to: Toadly Kids, PLAY After school program at Eureka Center. This donation was made to supplement, enrich, and encourage literacy growth of the youth in the after-school care program centers.
On behalf of the Roanoke Chapter of Chums, Inc., Francine McLaughlin, chapter president, and local project committee (Stella Carpenter, Chair, Evie Brandon, Carolyn Haley, Betty Jones and Gaynelle Pearson) were extremely delighted while delivering the donated resources to The Roanoke Eureka Center.
Chums, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation established in Norfolk, VA in 1946 and incorporated in 1952, with 36 chapters throughout the United States.