by Myles W. Jackson, Sr.
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia, Free and Accepted Masons, Inc. (MWPHGL of VA) held its 142nd Annual Grand Communication in Chesapeake, VA September 14-16. Commonly known as “Prince Hall Masons,” over 4,900 men strong.Alleghany-Dunbar, #109, has been involved in numerous community activities during the past year to include:
Adopting-A-Street; collecting and donating Back-to-School supplies for local churches and community organizations; sponsoring families during Thanksgiving and Christmas; attending local church services; held an “Ice Cream Social” for residents at the State of Virginia Veterans Care Center in Salem; distributed over four large boxed of toys and two bicycles to two families in the community, the Roanoke Rescue Mission Homeless Family Shelter, the Roanoke Area Ministries (R.A.M.) House, and to the Total Action for Progress (T.A.P.) Head Start Program. They also give gift cards to four families currently at the Ronald McDonald House who have infants in intensive care and also award two $600.00 scholarships to two graduating High School Seniors revived its youth program, the Knights of Pythagoras (ES Brown #2), and support the Grand Lodge’s Statewide Annual Veterans Affairs Medical Centers in Salem, VA.
The annual meeting also included an Awards Banquet held on Friday evening, a gala affair at which numerous awards were present to individuals and Lodges for their contributions to the Grand Lodge in Virginia.
Brother Bernard Johnson, Senior Warden at AD #109, was selected as “Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia, F & AM, Inc., Mason of the Year 2016-2017. This honor was bestowed for his continuous support of the philosophy of Free Masonry – Love of God, Country, Community, and Family. Brother Johnson’s numerous contributions in the community include: Co-Advisor/Mentor of the Roanoke Council of the Knights of Pythagoras (ES Brown #2) at Alleghany-Dunbar #109; Chairperson of the Alleghany-Dunbar #109 “Adopt-A-Street” Community Project; Participated Alleghany-Dunbar #109 “Back-to-School Project” and helped in the collection and distribution of over $250.00 worth of School Supplies; organizer of an Ice Cream Social for Disabled Veterans at the State of Virginia Veterans Care Center; chairperson of the Alleghany-Dunbar #109 “Fall/Winter Clothing Drive for the Homeless; co-chairperson of the Alleghany-Dunbar #109 Christmas Food Drive for Needy Families; and the Alleghany-Dunbar #109 Christmas Toy Drive; among others.
Brother Johnson’s award was presented by Most Worshipful Grand Master, the Honorable Paige D. Cherry, of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia, Free and Accepted Masons, Inc.
Representing Allegany Dunbar #109 at this year’s conference were District Deputy James Borders, Assistant District Deputy Felix “Bumper Morgan and Junior Warden Myles Jackson Sr.