The Roanoke Chapter of Chums, Inc. installed six new members on November 13, at the Salem Civic Center. We are very happy to welcome the following new Chums: Brenda Hale, Linda Miles Johnson, Bethanie Mickles, Faye Shareef, and Andrea Trent into their national organization.
Through the years, Chums Inc., has devoted itself to the betterment of social, civic, and cultural relationships in communities with the National theme “listen to the children…enrich their lives.”
With a network of 35 chapters and over 700 members in 22 states throughout the United States and the District of Columbia, Chums are represented by, women of various backgrounds. In 2021, 25,550 people were serviced, and $118,000 was donated to support our communities and sixty-six deserving youth were awarded scholarships.
The Children’s Defense Fund and My Brothers Keeper were our National Projects this year each receiving $5,000.
The Roanoke Chapter is proud of its services and community contributions. Francine McLaughlin is chapter president.