Peace Week Roanoke 2016 will be launched Sunday, Sept. 18 with a 5:30 p.m. potluck and speaking event at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Roanoke entitled The Miracle of Nonviolence: from the Personal to the Planetary.
Daily events include walks of intention across the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Bridge from 12 noon – 12:20 p.m. with words from the great figures of nonviolence. The week culminates in The Gathering, a performing arts and peace festival presented in collaboration with Agape Performing Arts Center from 12 noon-6p.m. at Villa Heights Park. Find more details and events at the Facebook page; “Peace Week Roanoke.”
Peace Week Roanoke is part of a larger long-term grassroots movement to mainstream nonviolence in communities across the United States. During the week of September 18-24, and beyond, thousands of events will be conducted in hundreds of communities, encouraging people to study nonviolence, practice nonviolence, and build-out the infrastructure for nonviolence.
Many of the community partners involved in Peace Week Roanoke will continue the work beyond September, developing the Roanoke Nonviolence Network, sharing resources, offering skill-building workshops, developing community connections, and engaging more partners to organize Roanoke as a “Nonviolent City.”
Peace Week Roanoke, 2016 events . . .
The Power of Non-violence” is set for September 18-24, “Personal to Planetary!”
Activities include:
Sunday at 5:30 pm: “The Miracle of Nonviolence (from personal to planetary; Potluck, followed by presentation by Ralph Hutchison, Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance at Unitarian Universalist Church of Roanoke, 2015 Grandin Rd. SW.
Monday: “Walk of Intention” from Martin Luther King, Jr. Statue (Centre Ave. and Henry St, NW.).
Tuesday at 1:00 to 4:00 pm: “Ask Me Anything” Promoting peaceful public dialogue (see facebook page for details) Market Square, Downtown Roanoke, Campbell Ave. and Market St.
Wednesday at 6:30 pm: Witness Against Torture Campaign and Community; Potluck followed with talk by Beth Velkey Brockman, Witness Against Torture Roanoke Friends meeting, 505 Day Ave. SW.
Thursday 12 noon to 12:30 pm: Walk of Intention, Martin Luther King, Jr. Statue (Centre Ave. and Henry St., NW Roanoke)
Friday at 7:00 pm: Drum Circle Lick Run Farm (1626 10th St NW, Roanoke)
Saturday – 12 noon to 6:00 pm: Gathering Performing Arts and Peace Fest, Villa Heights Park (2750 Hoover St., NW)
For more events and details, see “Peace Week Roanoke” on Facebook.