Students in the William Fleming High School Class of 2019 are officially high school graduates. While Rev. Dr. Alonzo R. Smith is proud of them all, a particular group is especially close to his heart because of the positive relationships he has built with them. Over the past four years, he’s taught and mentored the young men in an African-American Male Studies Contemporary Affairs class given through a special targeted program sponsored by TAP. He’s known most of them since they were freshman.
The 4-year class is designed to teach the young men life and interpersonal skills. While gaining knowledge about their self-worth, self-esteem and self confidence, the young men were also studying personal finance management, history, and how to interact with law enforcement.
Some of the young men have plans to attend culinary school, a nursing program, and other vocational training, while others will attend VCU, ODU, Virginia Western CC and join the armed forces. Their class theme was “More than conquerors because we are built to last.”