The Continental Societies, Inc. ®, Roanoke Chapter, was proud to initiate three ladies into the local chapter at the Goodwill Industries Youth Center. The new members, Antinette Chinene Beane, Antoinette Harbor, and Bethanie Mickles Esq. were welcomed into the great sisterhood and national group of ladies who are dedicated to providing community service for youth and children.
These ladies are to be commended for their great character, skills, creativity and commitment to serving the children in our community. As a service project, they provided a presentation to “Be That Girl” students at William Fleming High School on December 3, 2019. The presentation included information regarding their respective careers. Chinene Beane is a Senior Librarian at Melrose Library, Antoinette Harbor is owner and operator of Harbor Family Daycare, and Bethanie Mickles, Esq. is an Attorney employed as a Magistrate Judge of the 24th Judicial District of Virginia in the City of Lynchburg. Their membership allows the chapter to continue providing service in an even greater way.
Dr. Nieta Scott-Dunmore, 2nd Vice Regional Director, Mid-Atlantic Region, assisted with the initiation ceremony and Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Myra A. Barnes sent congratulations to the new members for joining the ranks of Continental Societies Inc.
The ceremony was a festive luncheon occasion as family members and friends from Roanoke and abroad attended and offered them best wishes. A delicious lunch was served following a brief meeting.
The Roanoke Continentals have been serving the Roanoke Valley since 1956 impacting the community with reading support and programs at local schools.
Linda Journiette is Membership chair, Loretta Freeman is chapter president.