The Roanoke Chapter Continental Societies, Inc. met Saturday, June 17, at the Gainsboro Library with local president Donna Lee presiding, completing another extraordinary year. Chapter accomplishments include last year’s “First Annual Black and White Evening of Jazz,” initiation of four new members: Iris King, Shirley Poindexter, Vickeishia Smith and Eunice Younger, and the “Black Girls Really Rock” scholarship fundraiser.”
The Chapter co-hosted the 33rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting, honored an Endowed Scholarship Recipient (Shakim Holland Deskins) at Virginia Western Community College and sponsored several field trips and exciting programs for the Continental Angels Club.
Three Continental scholarships were awarded to the following deserving high school seniors: Kai Washington-Brown, daughter of Johnny and Quo Vadis Washington-Brown, will attend Radford University; Kendra Corpening, daughter of Rodney and Kimberly Corpening, will attend Virginia Commonwealth University; and Kenai Hunt, daughter of Dawn Hunt, who will attend Winston-Salem State University. All three students were honor graduates from William Fleming HS.
Continental Donna Lee will serve as delegate with Gloria Randolph-King as alternate delegate at this year’s 61st National Continental Conclave June 28-July 2, 2017 in Hampton, VA.
This year’s annual chapter retreat will be on Saturday, Aug. 19, 10 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the Gainsboro Library.
Continentals Barbara Brooks, Loretta Freeman and Shirley Poindexter will serve on the Annual Black and White Evening of Jazz committee. Mark your calendars now! The affair is slated for Saturday, Sept. 9 at the Roanoke Country Club (more details will follow).
The chapter’s newly elected (2017-2019) officers were installed by Parliamentarian, Continental Barbara Brooks, as follows: Donna W. Lee, president; Loretta Freeman, 1st VP; Lorena Wilson 2nd VP; Patricia Baker, recording secretary; Barbara Brooks, corresponding secretary; Hazel Jones, financial secretary; Nancy Andrews, treasurer; Paula Morgan, chaplain; Linda Journiette, sergeant-at-arms; Quo Vadis Washington-Brown, public relations officer; Natalie Bonilla, historian and Gloria Randolph-King, parliamentarian.
Following the installation a delicious lunch was served by hostess, Paula Morgan.