The Ladies of Vision (LOV) Ministry invites you to their 6th Annual Domestic Violence Conference, “The New Me- No More Scars,” on Saturday April 14, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The conference will be held in the Shiloh Baptist Church Fellowship Hall, 201 S. Market Street, Salem. Neesey Payne, anchor, of WDBJ-7 Mornin’ Show, will serve as Conference Mistress of Ceremony.
The keynote speaker is Keisha Valentine from Warrenton, NC, a survivor of domestic violence who was shot by her estranged husband, leaving her confined to a wheelchair. He also fatally shot their fifteen-year-old son Earl, Jr., before taking his own life. Keisha will speak on “Life’s Struggles with a Controlling Man.”
Keith Farmer from Straight Street will share the dangers of sex trafficking and how it can impact youth. Straight Street is a Youth Center offering fun, faith, help, and hope to youth in the Roanoke Valley. Separate breakout sessions will be conducted for women, males, and young adult/teen females. Local domestic violence agencies will be available to provide information, assistance, and one-on-one counseling, as needed.
Inspirational music will be rendered by Ms. Sonya Sharpe, a member of Montvale (VA) Baptist Church. A delicious lunch is also included in the $20 for adults registration fee.
Thanks to conference sponsors, LOV will again offer a limited number of seats for young ladies and young men, ages 13-22, free of charge.
You are encouraged to come increase your awareness of Domestic Violence issues and the services available to victims and their families in the Roanoke Valley. You will receive a true blessing from the testimonies and information shared by speakers, agencies and facilitators.
For more info, call 540-721-1628 or email ladiesofvision@hotmail.com. You may also register online and pay the $20.00 conference fee with your credit card at www, ladiesofvision.org; or, with any LOV member at the following local churches: Chestnut Grove, Cloverdale, High Street, Jerusalem, Morning Star, Shiloh and First Baptist (Salem) Churches. Registration forms are also available at the Roanoke Tribune and the WTOY Radio Station. Registration deadline is March 31, 2018.