The Bible was written for us. Yet too many of us don’t connect it to our daily lives. We deal with the same struggles, joys and worries that folks in Scripture dealt with. When we’re confronted with a huge dilemma and wrack our brain trying to figure out what to do, we are Esther. When we get tired of waiting and cry out in anguish, “How long, God?” we are David.
Former Roanoke Times columnist Shanna Flowers makes these connections in her new book, The Beauty of the But…And other musings of God’s goodness.
Drawing on her life experiences, Shanna pens devotions that incorporate faith into everyday situations such as selecting a computer password or being a sounding board for a distressed friend.
Shanna will discuss her book and sign copies from 7 – 8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 20, at Shiloh Baptist Church, 201 W. Market St., in Salem.