Updated by Lee Pierre

On a hot afternoon in June 2004, Rev. Floyd W. Davis found himself on the street corner across from his home face-to-face with a local TV news reporter questioning him, “Where are you going to be preaching on Sunday Morning?”
Rev. Davis, a native of Richmond, VA, after serving eight years as pastor of the historic Pilgrim Baptist Church in Chicago, IL followed the first African American Mayor of Roanoke, Dr. Noel C. Taylor as pastor of High Street Baptist Church. He became the pastor of High Street in May 2000. During his pastorship, he implemented programs that received statewide recognition. One, in particular, was the campaign that raised $78,000.00 for the Virginia State Baptist Children’s Home in Ettrick, VA.
His belief in the biblical principle of Tithes and Offerings as the only means of financing the church supports his distaste for bake sales, patron lists, or dues used as fundraising. “The offering should support all of the work of the church including home and foreign missions,” Rev. Davis said. His motto is clear and simple when it comes to fundraisers: “Not A Chicken Has to Die and Not a Fish Has to Fry!”
His standing behind and strongly enforcing this biblical principle caused a problem among the membership of High Street Baptist Church resulting in a division of those who refused to give up the “traditional method” of financing the program of the Church.
His interview occurred due to his being dismissed from the pastoral position at High Street Baptist Church. Even though he was now a “Preacher without a Pulpit,” he confidently answered the question, “I don’t know where I am going to be preaching on Sunday morning, but I will be preaching somewhere.”
As fate/faith would have it, the next day he received a call from Rev. Dr. Dwight O. Steele Sr., pastor of Pilgrim Baptist Church, asking him if he had secured a place to preach on Sunday morning. Davis had not therefore Steele suggested he be introduced to Rev. Johnathan Runnels, pastor of Melrose Avenue Seventh Day Adventist Church and that their Sanctuary was only used on Saturday therefore it may be possible for Davis to use it on Sunday.
Pastor Runnels had gotten the suggested plan from Steele however he was unsure about it because he had not met with the officers of the church to get it cleared. Rather than putting Davis off, he told him, “Don’t worry about it, just show up Sunday morning.”
That’s what Davis decided to do. On the way to the church, he realized that he hadn’t made any contact with former members, so he doubted if anyone would be there. As he drove into the church parking lot, he recognized automobiles of members of High Street Baptist Church as well as newspaper and television reporters. Once in the church, he realized that ministers, deacons, deaconess, trustees, ushers, and musicians along with a full choir were all in attendance. News reports stated there were 120 people present; the same number that was in the Upper Room when the Holy Ghost descended.
The tithes and offerings were collected and allowed for a sufficient amount to donate to Melrose Avenue SDA Church for the use of the building. An official rental agreement was established, and God’s House continued using the building until March 2006. “We’re sister churches to this day and are forever grateful to them.”
The Valley Baptist Association and Baptist Ministers Conference recognized God’s House as a church after having had church services and televised the worship for six months.
The Recognition Worship service was held in December 2004 with the now late Dr. Benjamin W. Robertson Sr., pastor of Cedar Street Baptist Church of God in Richmond and a native of Roanoke delivering the organizing sermon; Dr. Purcelle Barrett presided; Dr. Cedric Malone gave the charge to the Church and Dr. Edward Burton delivered the Right Hand of Fellowship; God’s House Baptist Ministry was officially recognized as a church.
Finding a location for the church was a challenge for a brand-new congregation with no collateral and no money, a congregation that started from a street corner. “God spoke to me telling me not to buy but to build.”
After much searching and prayer, we received an offer from a gentleman to purchase 1.27 acres of undeveloped land on Melrose Avenue. During a prayer meeting at the Aladdin Temple Shriner’s building, Davis said he prayed, and it was during the prayer God said to him, “the money that you need is in this house.” He confidently told the people what God had said. “The amount was significant enough to pay for the land as well as put money in the treasury.
Dr. Lajuana M. Davis, co-pastor of God’s House Baptist Ministry since January 2006, brought many innovative ideas that have become a part of the church. A food giveaway has been implemented that operates every Monday including holidays. God’s House, in conjunction with the Southwest Virginia Food Bank, funds it. This Ministry continues to operate every Monday headed by Deacon Cecil Morrison.
Rev. Davis preached at the Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention while a pastor at High Street Baptist Church. During that convention, he met Bishop Geoffrey Buliba, the presiding bishop of the Christian Brotherhood Church in Kenya. A friendship was formed whereas God’s House was the major contributor in erecting a 500-seat brick sanctuary in Webuye, Kenya. In April 29.2017, Rev. F. Davis was consecrated as an International Bishop.
During the same year, Rep. Sam Rasoul contacted Davis for the development of the New Chapter Initiative, a program that houses non-violent inmates who have been released from incarceration. Parolees are allowed to live in their own room for nominal rent for one year as they are reacclimated into society.
On May 13, 2022, God’s House Baptist Ministry was able to completely liquidate the mortgage on all of its properties! God’s House is completely debt-free in Roanoke and in Webuye, Kenya. At 10:30 am Sunday, June 26 a Mortgage Burning Service will be held to which the public is invited to come and share the event.
The congregation is thankful to God for this ministry “From the Street Corner to an International Ministry!”