On Saturday, March 4, over 100 gifted and talented students from the school districts of Roanoke City and Roanoke County, plus the Roanoke Valley Governor’s School, competed in the 2017 Western Virginia Regional Science and Engineering Fair at Hollins University. The following local students received top awards in their categories at the regional fair:
Tiana Horace, 3rd Place, Earth and Environmental Sciences; “The Effect of Various Ratios of J. curcas Seed Cake to Cow Dung on Biogas Yield”; Jai’Chaun Paige, 1st Place, Plant Science, “The Effect of Varied pH on Juglone Toxicity on L. perenne”; Kendall Livesay, 4th Place, Biomedical Engineering/Embedded Systems, “Car Seat Temperature Exposure Alert System.”
First place winner Jai’Chaun Paige will next compete at the Virginia Science and Engineering Fair at VMI on March 25.