Acorn Consistory #103, Acorn Assembly #103, and Roanoke Commanders of the Rite.
Scottish Rite Masonry expands upon the fundamental principles of Freemasonry, exploring Masonic teachings of the blue lodge, Scottish Rite Freemasonry reveals a wealth of knowledge about Masonry not found in other degrees. It seeks to enrich the philosophy of the Symbolic Lodge in order to help good men become even better. Scottish Rite Freemasonry seeks to strengthen the community and believes that each man should act in civil life according to his individual judgment and the dictates of his conscience. The first Scottish Rite organization among African-Americans was the African Grand Council of 1820 in Philadelphia.
Today, one of the offspring of the African Grand Council is the United Supreme Council of District of Columbia, Southern Jurisdiction, Prince Hall Affiliation. It is represented in Roanoke by Acorn Consistory #103 and is one of nine Prince Hall Affiliated Consistories in the State of Virginia, which makes up the body known as Virginia Council of Deliberation, headed by Sovereign Grand Inspector General Ben Harrison. Acorn Consistory #103 has a Commander in Chief Grand Inspector General Dr. John W. Vernon, Jr. Acorn Assembly #103 Order of the Gold Circle is headed by Loyal Lady Ruler Lourice Taylor. The Roanoke Commanders of the Rite of the 33rd Degree of Masons are headed by Sovereign Grand Inspector General J.C. Taylor.
The Roanoke Commanders of the Rite has sent financial aid internationally, including churches in Kenya, which allowed hundreds of people to be fed in the midst of the pandemic
On Saturday July 24, a Reflections Banquet was held in Roanoke with Rev. Dr. Dwight Steele, a member of the Masonic family, as the speaker. The three organizations honored three outstanding members of this organization with plaques of gratitude for their meritorious service to the community and of course to this organization.
Acorn Assembly #103 Order of the Gold Circle honored Elvah Taylor who has been the State Grand Loyal Lady Ruler, and continued to lead and guide the Loyal Ladies of Acorn Assembly #103 thru many years as secretary.
Acorn Consistory #103 honored Sublime Prince James Jordan for his service as “Keeper of the Seals and Archives” (secretary) for 19 years. In the community, he is a representative of the American Legion providing services for veterans.
The Commanders of the Rite (33rd and last Degree of Scottish Rite Masons) honored Grand Inspector General Bishop Dr. Floyd Davis for his community work of assisting ex-offenders in securing housing and becoming re-acclimated into society. He is also the founder of more than 5 churches in Kenya, Africa.
We congratulate these three who are examples of Prince Hall Masonry’s community involvement in making our world better.
Get the Vaccine!

The oldest fraternity in the world, dating back to the building of Solomon’s Temple, The Roanoke Commanders of the Rite and Acorn Consistory #103 stand in solidarity in raising our voices in concert with those who are saying, “Get The Vaccine.”
We are living in a time when things are unpredictable. We thought a few months ago, that we were coming out of the storm, only for the storm to change course. Our community needs leadership. We need people to stand up and declare what is right. We need the men to stand up. Men are not only providers but also protectors. There is no better way to protect our community than to get the vaccine. Real men get vaccinated!
Whenever there is a disaster or a pandemic, the Black Community suffers. We do not need to experience anymore, unnecessary grief. We need to get the vaccine!
We do not run stop signs or red lights because to do so may cause death. It has been proven that not being vaccinated can cause death! The good news is that the vaccine greatly minimizes the chance of death.
We are saying to our community and to the whole world, “Roll up your sleeve, and get the vaccine!”