The 2017 Roanoke NAACP ACT-SO gold medal winners, chaperones, coaches and convention delegates traveled to Baltimore, MD for two exciting and inspirational experiences, July 20-23.
Although the three 2017 Olympians-Leila Bryant, Cevante Burwell and Kai Washington-Brown were not national winners, they produced excellent entries in the areas of vocal contemporary, drawing and modern dance respectively. Kenai Hunt, Youth Council Immediate Past President and Phazhon Nash, current president, attended as observers for future Olympic participation. The experience was awesome!
On Saturday, July 22, the Ribbon-Cutting ceremony bridged the ACT-SO activities with the opening of the 108th Annual National Convention:“Steadfast and Immovable” with a local band playing and great fanfare. The ACT-SO National Awards Ceremony was held on Sunday and the Opening mass public meeting followed with the keynote speaker, Chairman Leon Russell. He proudly announced that Board Vice Chairman Attorney Derrick Johnson had been appointed as Interim President and CEO by the National Board of Directors. Attorney Johnson, a long term board member, has served as the president of the Mississippi State Conference NAACP.
During Chairman Russell’s speech, he stressed that members should update the NAACP’s original Toolbox —by using agitation, the ballot box, social engineering, motivation and direct action. He emphasized that we needed to connect the dots- begin networking with churches, sororities, fraternities, Masons, Elks, Links and organized labor. He closed with a quote from Julian Bond” We must NOT agonize; we must organize, participate in the process and fight on until victory is won.”
It was a very enlightening convention. The Roanoke Branch voting delegates, Sheila Herron, Gloria Randolph-King, Fran Berry, Anita Wilson and President Brenda Hale, attended Region 7 meetings every morning participated in committee workshops, voted on resolutions and elected Executive Board members. In addition, President Hale was selected to make a presention at the Second listening tour hosted by Chairman Leon Russell.
Distinguished speakers included Congressmen & Congress women–Bobby Scott, Al Green, Kamala Harris, Sheila Jackson, Senators Cory Booker, Barry, Sanders, Governor Terry Mc Auliffe, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Dr. William Barber and past President Kweisi Mfume; actor Danny Glover and Life Coach Iyana Vanzant were luncheon speakers. As a special tribute, the delegates witnessed the unveiling of a wax replica of past Board Chairman, Mrs Myrlie Evers Williams.
Rev. Barber’s energized message likened #45 to the narcissistic, cruel king in the Bible. He reiterated the 2017 convention theme; stating that despite the current events, we would remain steadfast in our efforts and be immovable, like the tree planted by the waters, We Shall Not Be Moved!