As the troubling saga surrounding Ferguson, MO and the shooting of Michael Brown continues to unfold, several local organizations have launched efforts as a response.
The Roanoke Branch NAACP and Roanoke Chapter SCLC hosted a “News Conference and Rally for Justice” on Sunday, Nov. 30. About 50 people gathered at the Martin Luther King Bridge in downtown as a show of support and to voice concerns regarding the troubling series of events including the grand jury’s decision not to indict the officer responsible for the shooting.

Gloria Randolph-King presided over the rally and Dr. Judi Love Bowman reflected on the Ferguson situation.
Remarks were also given by Brenda Hale, president Roanoke Branch NAACP and Dr. Pernellar Chubb Wilson, matriarch of the local chapter, SCLC.
Remarks from those who spoke centered on the the present state of the criminal justice system, justice for the Michael Brown family, seeking an end to racial profiling and accountability for law enforcement officers.