Lynchburg will continue its new tradition of female leadership for two more years as City Council has selected Treney Tweedy as mayor and MaryJane Dolan as vice mayor for the 2018-2020 term.
“I want to be inclusive of us growing as a city. I also want to continue the economic growth of our city and ensure that the businesses have the workforce that they need,” said Tweedy, who was selected over fellow council member Turner Perrow in a 4-3 vote. I want to work with our education system to support economic development and to make sure our neighborhoods are supported — not just in our urban core, but across our city.”
Tweedy has been on the town’s City Council since 2014 and served as vice mayor for the past two years. She is the first female African-American mayor of the city.
The mayor and vice mayor positions are selected by council consensus following nominations from council members. They are ceremonial posts and do not have formal authority outside of council.
Tweeny beat out Turner Perrow a fellow council member who called the votes an example of “blatant partisanship.”
along with two others voiced dissatisfaction with the outcome of the vote.
“It is regrettable that City Council has imitated Washington, D.C. partisanship,” said Randy Nelson in opposition to the vote.
Perrow cited concerns about the “inward” focus of council and a need to focus on regional partnerships to drive business into the city and expand its tax base.
Dolan cited her more than 40 years experience as a business woman and more than 35 years of involvement in the Lynchburg community.
“We want to listen to everyone Tweedy said. ”Our goal is to serve our citizens… and there is no partisan politics in that. People want their city to run, they want it to run efficiently and effectively and that is what we keep at the forefront of our leadership, all of us.”