We do not have to change what we have been doing. Survival as a Democracy is not mandatory for America any more than it was for the other formerly great “Democratic” nations – they committed suicide (Adams and Lincoln). To keep on doing what we have always done is arrogant and dangerous, even stupid!
“Some People Make Things Happen, Some Watch Things Happen, While Others Wonder What Happened.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
At birth, all of us are ignorant, unexperienced and filled with wonder about developments in our environments. As we mature, each of us must decide whether we will actually attend to the factual reality we watch; and, as we gain values, vision and personal power, then we may strive to join the first group — for ourselves and others.
The current condition of America did not evolve by happenstance. Radical GOP gains have been driven mostly by turnout advantage, particularly in midterms.
The Consistent Voting Population (CVP) is whiter, better educated, wealthier and more conservative than their non-voting counterparts. Since the CVP is not representative of the whole of America, their power with decision-makers pushes the nation away from the primary purpose of government — for the common good, the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness for all the people, not just for the privileged.
The GOP supportive CVP members will not change their habits – they are winning, but by a mere 2.4 million votes in 2024. The 111 million Americans who did not vote in 2024, for example, which include the Consistent Non-Voting Population (CNVP), should be called out, singled out, by local advocates for democracy to register and vote in every election.
The CNVP should made aware of what their indifference wrought. NOTE WELL: 2.4 million is 2% of 111 million; and 1.5% of all votes cast in 2024. In 2016, 112,00 votes, 0.045% of the voting age population, tipped the outcome for the GOP.
“The penalty good people pay for indifference to public affairs (e.g., not voting) is to be ruled by evil people.” -Plato
Of the two principal requisites for a legitimate, enduring, DEMOCRACY -knowledgeable, involved citizens, broadly representative of the entire population — normally second, is now primary. This requisite now supersedes the other principal requisite, normally first — moral, ethical, and competent leaders — by a significant degree.
All major racial and ethnic voter groups lean democratic, except white. But a higher percentage of whites vote in each election than the other groups, especially in the midterms. (Source: PEW RESEARCH CENTER – The Changing Racial And Ethnic Composition Of The U.S. Electorate)
There is no question in my mind that Harris’ razor thin 2.4 million vote loss to Trump was conditioned by race and gender bias, exacerbated by the self-disenfranchisers.
If every citizen of voting age exercised their enfranchisement right and responsibility, FASCISM, AUTOCRACY, TYRANNY, BRUTAL ECONOMIC DISPARITIES, INJUSTICE, and UNFAIR LAWS would be impossible. That is as true about 2016 as it is about 2024!
At a minimum, 175 million adult Americans did not vote for our current rulers.
Obviously we will not change the minds, spirits and courage of the people in the seats of power in DC and elsewhere across the country; so we must work to change the people in the seats.
There is not a more repulsive spectacle than people who will not seek with unrelenting power and perseverance to transform the world which has already forsaken, oppressed, suppressed and exploited them, whether the tools used to harm be religious, political, or social.
(– From T. S. Eliot)
Midterm Elections are scheduled for November 3, 2026, to determine the 120th United States Congress. State and territorial U.S. gubernatorial elections, as well as numerous state and local elections, will also be contested.
House Elections — All 435 voting seats in the United States House of Representatives will be up for election; additionally, elections will be held to select the delegate for the District of Columbia as well as the delegates from 4 of the 5 U.S. territories, excluding Puerto Rico.
Senate Elections — Thirty- five seats will be up for election, including 33 Class 2 seats. Special elections will be held to fill any other vacancies that arise during the 119th Congress.
Gubernatorial Elections — Thirty-six states and three territories will be holding regularly scheduled gubernatorial elections.
Lieutenant Gubernatorial Elections — Ten states will be holding regularly scheduled lieutenant gubernatorial elections.
Attorney General Elections — Thirty states, two territories, and one federal district will be holding regularly scheduled attorney general elections.
Secretary Of State Elections — Twenty-six states will be holding regularly scheduled secretary of state elections.
Mayoral Elections — A large number of major cities will hold mayoral elections in 2026.