The Roanoke Branch NAACP is proud to announce that five area youth will represent the local branch at the National Convention to be held in Baltimore, MD in July. The local competition was held at William Fleming High School with participating youth displaying a feeling of excitement and confidence.
The 5 Gold Medal winners and their winning categories are: Kai Washington-Brown, Performing Arts-Dance; Leila Bryant-Performing Arts-Vocal Contemporary; Nonso Adimabua- Performing Arts- Classical; LaRon Glenn-Visual Arts-Painting; and Cevonte’ Burwell-Visual Arts-Drawing.
Bronze Medal winners are: Elyse McFalls, Chemistry and Bio Chemistry; Phazhon Nash, Humanities- Oratory and Michelle Ristic, Performing Arts-Dance. The Olympians were able to compete in up to 3 categories some of them competed in two categories.
Preparations are in progress to take the Gold Medalists to Baltimore, MD. Plans are also being made to have the “Annual Jazz on the Lawn” fundraiser in June and donations are being accepted to help with this effort.
Those persons attending the “NAACP Annual Citizen of the Year Banquet” on Friday, May 5th will hopefully have an opportunity to meet these gold medalists.
For more information on ACT-SO, contact Gloria Randolph-King, ACT-SO chairperson at 540-793-0811; the Honorable Anita Price, (Roanoke City vice mayor) Co-Chair; Brenda Hale is branch president.