by Sherman P. Lea, Sr.,
Roanoke City Mayor
The City of Roanoke with a population of approximately 100,000 residents has a Black population that represents 28% of its citizens. At the same time the 23rd Judicial District that serves the citizens of Roanoke through the General District Court has fourteen (14) Judges serving the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court and the Circuit Court; only one of whom is African-American.
The governing body of the City of Roanoke is well represented by three African Americans, including the Mayor who presently serves on a seven member City Council and the majority of the Constitutional Officers are also African American.
African-Americans are adjudicated at a much higher rate in our local courts, as in all sectors of our society. With that in mind, I would ask that you consider the critical need to increase the number of African American attorneys appointed to judgeship in the 23rd Judicial Circuit Courts as vacancies occur.
As an attorney, Onzlee Ware has practiced extensively in the Criminal Division of the Circuit Court and is well respected in the community. He also has an outstanding temperament, listens well and has a superior working relationship throughout the criminal justice system. Therefore, I propse the appointment of Onzlee Ware, current Judge in the Juveile and Domestic Relations Court, as a Judge in the Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit Court.