As we stand once again at the close of another Gregorian year we can think of no more appropriate time for reviewing and reflecting upon, not only what has transpired during the past year but during past years as well and using such cumulative reflections to chart a more accurate and admirable future course. Many may reflect regrets of some unkind thoughts and/or subsequent words better left unspoken, or deeds better left undone, especially from failure to offer some kind word or deed when the opportunity presented itself. We often burden ourselves with such lamentations that cloud the windows of our souls leading to social and spiritual suicide.
How much simpler it would be to lift up one’s head and consider that no earthly being can make that perilous journey from cradle to grave without making errors, nor lean upon such crutch. But it isn’t how many times we fall along life’s thorny path that counts, but how many times we get up!
Some are prone to reflect heavily with sadness on the people, places and things held dear that may not have survived the year. Such unique experiences should serve instead as a constant reminder of the evanescence of all things and to keep us keenly aware of how precious time is, regardless of age, that we may more fully and wisely utilize it.
Those who feel content in surroundings that offer a temporary “feeling of permanence” are merely wrapping themselves in false security blankets for in this world of existence there is no permanence! Our mental and spiritual stability and development are contingent upon our recognition and acceptance of this truth and upon our ability to discover the beauty and necessity in all phases of transitory existence on this planet!
Far more tangible reflections are those mirrored through our everyday words and actions which have instant and lasting effects upon those with whom we come in contact–as well as on us! A frown or cross word from one will immediately adversely affect others while a bright, sunny smile and encouraging word will invariably reflect in the faces and attitudes of those about us. Let’s remember that a mirror will reflect whatever it is turned toward. If turned toward the ground it will reflect dirt. If turned toward the sun it will reflect its brilliant rays. But the mirror itself must first be wiped clear in order to reflect the true brilliance.
As we stand at the brink of another New Year, let us resolve to cleanse the mirror of our hearts of the dirt and dross of all prejudices, hate, greed and envy, (all particles of dust of materialism) and turn toward the brilliant warm Sun of Reality that their collective brilliance may warm the entire earth!