“Let your light shine within our community,” is a favorite saying within Alleghany-Dunbar #109, Roanoke, VA. The Lodge had a small scholarship fund established by the family members of the late Percy Plummer, AD #109. Due to a strong desire to help young people, the Lodge formed a scholarship committee decided a $500.00 scholarship would be awarded to a graduating high school senior in the Roanoke City area. As additional funds became available from proceeds of selling Grand Lodge Scholarship of the past two years and a recent fundraising banquet, the lodge was able to present two $600.00 scholarship awards.
On Sunday, June 11, during the Graduate Sunday Awards Program at Pilgrim Baptist Church, Brother Bernard Johnson, along with other Prince Hall Masons (Rev Dr. Dwight O. Steele, Most Worshipful Past Grand Master George Clemens, Assistant District Deputy Felix Morgan, Brother’s Demare Gill, Sr, Myles Jackson and Theo Taylor) on behalf of AD #109, presented Haley Foutz of William Fleming High School and Taylor Eichelberger of Patrick Henry School, each with a $600.00 check be used towards their future college endeavors. Ms. Foutz will be attending University of Virginia-Wise and Ms. Eichelberger will be attending Norfolk State University.
During the service, Pastor Steele acknowledged the work of AD #109 and prayed the Brothers will continue to “let their light shine” through the Brotherhood of Prince Hall Masonry in the Roanoke Valley, Allegany-Dunbar #109, Most Worshipful Prince Hall Lodge of Virginia (MWPHLVA).