As we again arrive at the most celebrated of holiday seasons by the most diverse segment of men and nations, let us approach with an attitude of gratitude for all of our innumerable blessings, despite whatever situations that may not be as “happy” as they appear or as we would have them to be. Happiness, in fact is but a temporary thing, contingent upon pleasant thoughts, sights, sounds and situations. Joy, on the other hand, is an attitude that penetrates much deeper as it derives from the deeper roots of spirituality and therefore can survive under unimaginable conditions.
It is difficult to remain happy while being subliminally weighted down with unpleasant thoughts, situations and conditions, compounded by daily news reminders of more depressing things happening locally and throughout the world! Yet, with an attitude of gratitude one is empowered with a spiritual barometer that sets rather than merely registers the climate about it. No one will ever go through this earthly pilgrimage without encountering sadness of varying degrees. The central key is not minimizing or even forgetting such situations but rather not dwelling upon them until they begin to control you.
“O God, refresh and gladden my spirit, purify my heart, illumine my powers, I lay all my affairs in Thy Hands,” begins a favorite Baha’i prayer; “…for Thou art my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved, I will be a happy and joyful being. I will no longer be full of anxiety nor will I let trouble harass me. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life…”
To me this neither suggests “get over it!” nor “you will never get over it!” It simply reminds us that we cannot lift anyone very high physically, psychologically and certainly not spiritually, from beneath.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the warm glow of candles and holiday lights and lightheartedness experienced during this unique season of peace could be captured internally and burn like an eternal flame? And then, from that moment on, no matter what the circumstances, how difficult times become or how much time passes, that Eternal Flame would always burn bright!
During this same extended holiday season Jews around the world celebrate Hanukkah, the Feast of Dedication honoring victory over the Syrians and the Rededication of their Temple in 165BC.
Ironically, Kwanza, a more recent African-American observance, is becoming increasingly popular in this country during the last seven days of the Gregorian year–, December 26-January1. It is based on the African-American Festival that unites families and communities to celebrate the fruits of their labor of the past year, to give thanks for their blessings, to evaluate their achievements and contributions to family and community and to make plans and set goals for the coming year. Each of the seven days represents and focuses on one of the seven specific principles of:
1) Umoja (unity through diversity (not uniformity!) 2) Kujichagulia (self-determination) propelled inwardly by love & gratitude rather than outwardly by selfishness and greed; 3) Ygima (collective work and responsibility–pooling (not pitting) human resources for maximum teamwork, cooperation and sharing of responsibilities. 4) Ujamaa (collective economics) –the pooling of economic resources to establish a stronger, wider economic base; 5) Nia (purpose) clearly defining goals and objectives, properly identifying who we are, why we are and where we are coming from; 6) Kuunba (creativity), with each of us created to perform some specific task that no one else can do comparably, but for self-imposed limitations of our own volition. 7) Faith “…the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen;” Hebrews 11:1.
Through what other season are more diverse peoples united in Peace? Should the peoples of this nation alone, embodying a microcosm of the nations of the planet, adopt such annual principles, this nation could indeed “arise to the calling of its high destiny and lead all nations by example and not by force!”
May we strive to perfect, perpetuate and broaden this annual Season of PEACE! (Investigate – 1-800-22-UNITE