Agape Performing Arts Center & co-founder Mrs. Y. Franklin is delighted to announce to Roanoke City and surrounding areas a new performing arts festival with the mission to restore hope for our youth, communities, and city!!!!
This introductory performing arts festival is set for Saturday, Sept. 24 between 12 noon and 6:00 p.m. at the Villa Heights Community Center off Melrose and Lafayette blvd. At 2750 Hoover St NW. Come one, come all to this most talent packed event of the year! Featured will be explosive performances by: world traveled locally trained ballet & modern dancers: Yolanda Franklin, da pack of Chicago Illinois, the company, JBC Praz team, Leda Sapp theatre Guild & Company, Macedonia Soldiers, Harvest Blaque, Yolanda Puyana, so Sophizticated Soundz, and many more with, mc Phat Rob and our very own Roanoke area youth!
Come out, support and invest in talent opportunities! Within your own communities—the time is now!
All funding from this event will go towards agape performing arts center youth arts programs! Please come and witness the possibilities and you will be pleased to invest in this exciting venture for the youth of this valley and beyond.