Throughout God’s creation there are signs and evidences of Him implanted in each created thing. A few of these are evident but of most, man remains quite ignorant. An undeniable truth that defies disbelief by anyone, however is the eternal revolution and appearance of Spring (the vernal equinox) appearing on March 21 when the sun begins its northernward journey, bringing with it warmth that melts ice and snow, and increased light to bring to life sleeping vegetation.
How similar the spiritual springtime that melts chilled hearts and allows the love of God and man to enter and revive spiritual vegetation. At such point all things are made new and God’s religions begin to jointly sprout, each unconsciously of the other, until the bleakness of spiritual winter again descends upon the hearts as the cycle of truth begins to wane.
Such variable cycles of heat and cold, darkness and light, highly affect the emotional roller coasters we all ride from physical infancy. The primary difference being, over these we have control! The degree of our spiritual maturity highly affects the degree of our emotional control, drastically reducing the heights and depths of the rides.
Struggles and warring mentalities have existed from time immemorial, differing only in sophistication of weaponry and methology. Unchanged only is our individual and collective ability and determination to control rather than be controlled. When one cycle ends, another begins-–(of which nature has no control–man does! For example, the nature of fire is to burn which it does without will or intelligence. The nature of water is fluidity that flows without will or intellect and, as the nature of the sun is radiance, it too shines without will or intelligence. It is then clear that only man can depart from and oppose Nature. Yet history proves that man has always warred-–with religion causing more wars than it has prevented. Why do people fight over religion, intended for the cause of unity, not the cause of discord and disagreement?
The history of man shows a pattern of peaks and valleys that, through centuries of scientific and technological advancement, should be leveling the playing field by now. Yet spiritual deficiency through religious proliferation and interpretation continues to create inevitable progressive division (which begets division) when strength lies only in UNITY-which begets UNITY–that every religion has been provided pathways to, if we but read and heed the directions! Only then can we convert our turbulent emotional roller coaster rides into smooth sailing, whether on Life’s calm or turbulent seas as, “It is the bounty and divine gift of this age that a heavenly light has been diffused to illumine the hearts of men and to bring understanding, and with understanding, peace; to bring perspective to the battlefield, and with perspective, assurance of ultimate victory; to bring a knowledge of the ocean’s depths while being tossed upon its surface–and with that knowledge a divine tranquility even while the tempest is raging.”
“The candle of the mind is lit by the Hand of God (However we perceive Him). Extinguish it not with the contrary winds of desires and passion;” a prime motivator of emotional roller coaster rides. (Investigate – (1-800-22-UNITE)