This has been a challenging year for all of us, and a very bad year for freedom. Politicians have used COVID-19 as a massive power grab, usurping the Constitution while exempting themselves from their own draconian mandates. With schools closed, arbitrary shut down of businesses and church services interrupted, families struggle with the pressures of this new world that now threaten the very spirit of Christmas, the most treasured holiday.
Christmas has always been that time of year that brought people together, no matter our faith, and brought out the best in us no matter our circumstance. With our nation unraveling before our eyes, we need that Christmas spirit now more than ever. The darkness is not going to leave, so it behooves each and every one of us to stand up, speak up, and turn up the light!
Share the joy of Christmas through all the beautiful elements of this time honored tradition that continues to unite us. Listen to the music, take pictures and videos of your favorite Christmas moments, songs and traditions. Christmas light displays, caroling, nativities and trees are all wonderful things to capture and share. Let’s flood the darkness of Social Media with the light of Christmas.
Let’s unite together as one human race, under God, to celebrate the multitude of glorious blessings we share as Americans.