At its Executive Committee meeting on Saturday, Jan. 3, the NAACP appointed Rodney B. Thomas as its Legislative Representative (lobbyist).
Mr. Thomas comes to the VSC NAACP with over 40 years of business, governmental fund development and legislative experience. Additionally, he is the senior managing partner of Resources Building Tomorrow, llc, a consulting firm. As such, not only will the VSC NAACP get the experience and expertise of Mr. Thomas additionally, he has stated that his associates will also be available to assist in his lobbying efforts on behalf of the Virginia State Conference NAACP and its unit offices.
Mr. Thomas has stated that his role is to work hand-in-hand with unit presidents to develop a working rapport that will move the VSC NAACP in a positive direction. His goal is to get the state and congressional representatives sensitive to the needs and desires of the Virginia State Conference, its units and ALL residents of Virginia, especially people of color.
He has begun reviewing pending 2015 General Assembly legislation to see what fits with the purpose and mission of the VSC NAACP and in sync with the resolutions voted and approved during this year’s state convention in Chesapeake, VA. In coordination with State Political Action Chair, Drusilla Bridgeforth the members of VSC NAACP, should know Thomas intends to help push and secure those legislative actions that benefit ALL of Virginia.
Mr. Thomas has more than 40 years of governmental, business, legislative and financial advisory and consulting services experience and has served as legislative aide to several New York State assemblymen and NY State Senators, as well as aide to a New York City Councilman. He has also assisted in the creation of local community development corporations to upgrade and revitalize the numerous business districts and housing programs within the community board.
He is a managing partner of Resources Building Tomorrow and presently serves as lead Legislative Representative (lobbyist) for the Central Virginia Business and Construction Association, among innumerable other prestigious, strategic positions.
He is the divorced, proud father of a adult daughter and her beautiful family.