Despite hundreds of years of advancement in science and technology in a world perceived to be millions of years old, how utterly inconceivable its present state of physical, psychological and political chaos becoming increasingly void of trust, virtue, appreciation or respect–even of the respectable! And at this advanced stage of mankind’s maturity how can men and nations continue to be so easily manipulated through warring mentalities?
I was especially struck by a closing comment offered at the end of one of the Westerns I usually watch on weekends: “The only people who benefit from war are the ones who don’t live to reap them!”
Yet every daily newscast continues to lead with tragedy often instigated through some form of warring mentality. With every conceivable form of health and beauty aid at our convenience we have become a quick-fix society that does not allow for any degree of inconvenience, discomfort or any of the essential verities that expose our indispensable need for spiritual growth–short of a sudden catastrophe!
What’s wrong with a good old fashion headache or other pain every now and then that is the body’s warning buzzer that something is out of order? But no, we have to quick-fix it by over treating the effects without even assessing the cause. And what ever happened to the respect once associated with hard-earned wrinkles which instead in today’s quick-fix society has made the cosmetic, plastic surgery professions $multi-billion industries as well as pharmaceutical industries. Also, what’s wrong with an occasional “down-in-the-dumps” day, once referred to by musicians as “the blues” around which untold $-multi -billion medical and pharmaceutical industries evolve.
As there are also innumerable local, state and federal agencies to address every possible social malady or ill, it has been said that Americans think that everything can be fixed with a pill or by throwing money at it. But by now we should be beginning to realize that we’ve been fooling ourselves as this “Barnham & Bailey World” is becoming “as phony as it can be.” It’s a matter of trust-–but who can we? And how many innocent lives must be continuously sacrificed to save one face? And how can we keep religion from dying out in every land–due to what is being done in its Name?
We learn from history that we do not learn from history! Quick fixes, and war of a certainty will never result in peace! As war does not determine who’s right–only who’s left. REMEMBER: “The only ones who benefit from war are the ones who don’t live to reap them!