“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; but with all thy getting, get understanding,” we glean from the Holy Bible. (Prov.4:7)
We know without a moment’s hesitation that mankind exists; and with but little more thought we recognize that in the whole of creation—both on this earthly plane and in space, there is an astonishing composition, arrangement and organization that revolves in cycles as the seasons and the life of mankind itself, from childhood to childhood after reaching a certain degree of maturity.
“It takes a little more thought to accept the fact that man and the universe came into being through a Will, a purpose. Although many deny a Creator, yet logical proof is very brief and easy,” states Dr. S.I. Dean in a chapter on “The Purpose of Life.” For composition is of three kinds only: accidental, necessary and voluntary. The coming together of the various elements of beings cannot be accidental for unto every effect there must be a cause. Thus science, based upon the law of cause and effect destroys the modern’s main substitute for God–namely Chance. Composition cannot be through necessity, innate quality or compulsion for then the foundation must be an inherent property of the elements and the inherent property of a thing cannot be dissociated from it. Therefore decomposition of any being would be impossible; but simple observation shows us that all things do indeed decompose.
The third remaining possibility is the voluntary one; that is an external will causes the elements to come together, thus it is readily established that existence stems from a will and cannot be due to chance or necessity.
There is much wisdom in these theories; but how difficult it may be for many to understand without consultation–as opposed to interpretation! Consultation is a primary standard-bearer of this new era, reducing confrontation so prolific in modern society on every level. All media promotes it through humor as well as through pure insulting anger and its devastating consequences – our nation’s current national political arena no exception.
Increasing emphasis continues to be placed on the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom—both primarily of the head. “But with all thy getting, get understanding;” –primarily of the heart which, like love in today’s unbridled society, has been demoted to refer generally to lust and sex.
As this spring vernal equinox welcomes the rejuvenation of nature, may we become rejuvenated in the acquisition of virtues and spiritual values that will serve as beacons to the children and youth in particular who are so vulnerable to the throws of such unbridled freedoms. We cannot afford to abandon them to trust social media and the world-wide web without understanding the security of parental love and spiritual guidance. We cannot save the world if we cannot save our own child or our own marriage. Let’s stop trying to conquer hate with counter hate fed by those who invented and understand the manipulative power in “keeping hate (instead of HOPE) alive.”
Love is stronger than hate! Therefore, if we really want to wage war, we need to understand where our strengths lie and never forget the strength in UNITY—obtained and maintained only through consultation and mutual admiration through a newly more peaceful, prayerful process. For the Day of rivalrous individual rulers is being rolled up and a new one rolled out in its stead.
We therefore appeal to each individual American as “the transformation of a whole nation ultimately depends on the initiative and change of character of the individuals who comprise it.;” – should we be collectively blessed with such understanding. (Investigate — 1-800-22UNITE)