The Women United for Community Action (WUCA) organization sponsored a special Thanksgiving project for needy and homeless families on November 14.
On that day, the ladies shopped for groceries for a needy family with four school age children and delivered several boxes of food to them. These items included 2 turkeys and the preparation for the Thanksgiving Day meal as well as other necessities needed throughout the holiday weekend.
The club’s Educational Outreach Committee spearheaded this project. A total of 12 turkeys were delivered to RAMS House, and the Women’s Transitional Home with the majority to the Rescue Mission.
The (WUCA) organization has continues providing service projects throughout the year including scholarships and donations to worthy programs.
Applications for donations will be available for those needing assistance in the early part of next year. In addition, the annual Fashion Show/Luncheon fundraiser will be held March 19, 2017, more information will be forthcoming.
Gloria Randolph-King is project chairperson. Carolyn Patterson is organization president.