The Women United for Community Action (WUCA) organization purchased and delivered turkeys to several needy homes a few days before Thanksgiving Day. Members of the committee met at the home of President Carolyn Patterson to begin the 4-car convoy making deliveries.
In addition, the community service organization employed La Cove Restaurant (Sonny Pendleton) to prepare a full course Thanksgiving dinner for a family of 8 (which included 5 school aged children) to be delivered on Thanksgiving morning. The family was also given a gift card and other necessities for a special dinner.
The club’s Educational Outreach Committee spearheaded this project and wanted to help as many as possible. A total of 12 turkeys were delivered to RAMS House, the Women’s Transitional Home, Hamilton Haven Assisted Living facility on Cove Road and the Rescue Mission.
The WUCA has been providing service projects throughout the year with scholarships and donations to worthy programs. Applications for donations will soon be available for those needing assistance in the early part of next year.
In addition, the annual Fashion Show/Luncheon fundraiser will be held March 18, 2018 at the Holiday Inn, Ordway Dr.
Gloria Randolph-King is project chairperson; Carolyn Patterson is the WCUA president.