submitted by Thelma Perdue
George Washington Carver (GWC) and Roanoke County Training School (RCTS) students celebrated a joint reunion over the weekend of August 7–9 at the Sheraton Hotel off Hershberger. The first reunion of Carver High students (aka the “Eagles”) was celebrated in 1976.
The affair opened with a memorial service held at the school in Salem, with Jean Green (class of ’65) presiding. Rev. Crystal Smith, delivered the memorial message followed by a remembrance candle lighting ceremony led by Estella Watson (class of ’49). Carver Reunion Association president George Clemons (class of ’57) also addressed the crowd. GWC graduates Larry Terry and Robert Manns performed musical selections throughout the event that was also accentuated with music by “Kila Miller as banquet dance DJ.
Saturday morning’s business meeting involved the election of new officers for the next two years. Newly elected officers of Carver Reunion Association are president, (1st female) Betty Fennell; 1st vice president, Andre’ Peery; 2nd vice president, Jean Green; secretary, Elizabeth Taylor; treasurer, Harrilene Shackelford; Chaplain, Cedonia Hughes; Correspondence Secretary, Thelma Perdue; Historian, Douglas Dowe and Parliamentarian, Alfred Dowe.

Later that day, the grand affair peaked with a banquet dinner over which Clemons presided. The classes of 1964 and ‘65 were recognized during the banquet and former reunion association president Douglas Dowe received an award for 31 years of outstanding service to the reunion committee. Teachers Georgia Reeves, Francis Chubb and Charlotte Dunston also received awards for their outstanding dedication to the students of Carver School.
Also receiving awards were GWC principal, Crystal Shepherd, Salem Educational Foundation, Dr. Wayne Tripp and Shiloh Baptist Church. Dr. Alan Siebert spoke on behalf of Salem School System and its ongoing support of the Carver Reunion Association activities.
The program ended with the singing of Carver’s Alma Mata. The weekend of activities concluded with a picnic on Sunday at Salem’s Longwood Park, after which each returned to their respective destinations to anxiously await the next jubilant gathering.