Men’s Ministry of Shiloh Baptist Church held its 4th Annual Charity golf tournament Saturday, Aug. 8 at Botetourt Country Club. It was a great day of fellowship, good food and great competition.
There were 28 teams competing for the coveted trophy and Berglund Chevrolet donated a 2015 Chevy Cruze as the hole-in-one. prize
This event has quickly become one of the best tournaments in the Roanoke Valley under JC Taylor as director.

The luncheon and awards repast were prepared by Missionaries of Shiloh and were truly a highlight of the event. The diversity created by this outing was heartwarming to witness said Shiloh deacon Joe Gaither. “This type of unity should spread throughout our nation,” he added.

Event proceeds have assisted over 90 families in the Salem/Roanoke valley extending assistance to such organizations as: Acts II Ministry, The Rescue Mission; Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Missionary Ministry assistance, The Gideon Ministry and others.
Additionally, Shiloh Men’s ministry holds a quarterly prayer breakfast, an Iron Sharpens Iron Empowerment conference and a Christian Comedy night with Antoine Scott (Richmond).