Have a Happy Thanksgiving and a joyous Holiday Season!
A special measure of love and contentment is in
store for those who share the occasion with
others who might otherwise be lonely.
P articipate in activities and services that may
bridge the many gaps that separate us from one
P eace and happiness are realistic bi-products of
sacrifice, love and unity; not mystical illusions
to be pursued.
Y our attitude is what determines the value and extent
of our deeds and “gifts.”
T hanksgiving is that special time of year when all are
reminded of the beauty and bounty that is ours to enjoy
daily–whether or not we do.
H appy are those of us who count our gains instead of
our losses; our blessings instead of our crosses, and …
A ppreciate the times in which we live and the endless
opportunities they afford.
N ow is the time to reassess values, re-evaluate priorities
and remold attitudes!
K indness and courtesy should instead distinguish our
every word and deed, creating a more pleasant
environment while providing long overdue medicine
for an ailment-conscious society.
S end instead expressions of love and hope into the lives
of those with whom we come in contact, through work,
and every word and smile.
G ive of yourself, your time and talents …
”For it is in giving that we receive,”
I nvest of your wealth of knowledge and ability into the
lives of others less fortunate. It pays the biggest dividends!
V olunteer your services with some of the many worthwhile
agencies and institutions working year-around to make
life better for all.
I lluminate the world of humanity by “…lighting one candle
instead of cursing the darkness.”
N ight is always followed by day – and darkness by light –
with the darkest part of the night just before Dawn!
G reet every new day with an attitude of gratitude for another
opportunity to right any wrong, to gladden some soul or to
brighten someone’s way.