Several members from the Roanoke Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. traveled with great excitement to Houston, TX for this year’s 52nd National Convention. During the Sisterhood Luncheon led by Regional Director Andria Jeffries, the Roanoke Alumnae Chapter was awarded third place in the International Awareness Committee category for the “Water Well Project” and received a beautiful award that was presented to local Chapter President Diane Jones. The Water Well Project, under the leadership of Chair Cheryl Gray, raised $14,000 for the construction of the well in a schoolyard in Kenya, Africa.
Newly re-elected National President Dr. Paulette C. Walker, led an exceptional convention with over 30,000 Deltas in attendance. The Deltas were honored to have the US Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch as guest speaker for the Social Action Luncheon. Atty. General Lynch, who was sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden on April 27 of this year, delivered a tremendous message to the members and guests. This was a phenomenal and historic convention for members of the Roanoke Alumnae Chapter.
Diane Jones, chapter president, served as the delegate and Monica Callaway, first vice-president, was the alternate delegate.
The chapter salutes Cheryl Gray and the International Awareness Committee for their commitment, dedication and recognition received at the national convention.