Blue Ridge PBS announces P. Buckley Moss as its featured artist for “Artistic Encounters – Meet the Artist.” The series highlights artists and invites the community to meet the individuals while seeing their works with an opportunity to acquire pieces during a reception and following exhibit held at Blue Ridge PBS. The art will remain on display for several weeks.
Pat Moss is a legend with a scope of work that encompasses an array of styles influenced by life experiences. Blue Ridge PBS celebrates her 91st birthday and honors her creativity as well as her legacy of arts education that she so fiercely supports. This is a rare opportunity to meet Pat and acquire pieces from her personal collection, originals as well as an array of prints and keepsake ornaments. All of the paintings on display are curated from her galleries culminating in a one of a kind exhibit.
The reception will also feature music by celebrated local pianist/organist, Anne Steele. Both reception and exhibit are completely free of charge. However, as a non-profit, donations are highly appreciated. Donation proceeds go to funding the local station operations and make it possible for Blue Ridge PBS to continue to provide the community with entertaining, educational, and inspirational content.
Blue Ridge PBS is located behind Virginia Western Community College at the end of McNeil Drive. The reception will take place Thursday, May 30 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm and the pieces will remain on display most weekdays, June 3 – June 13 from 1-4 pm. Visit BlueRidgePBS.org for details.