The Roanoke Chapter Alumni Association of Bluefield State College hosted its annual Scholarship Golf Tournament on Saturday, Oct. 17 at Brookside Par 3 Golf Course.
Participants in the senior division were: Carl Haley, Milt Crandall, Stanford Morgan and David Bray. Open participants were: Don Dotson, Stephen Pinard, Bill Parsley, Alan Zigler, Paul Friel, Merl Code, Darren Haley, Ralph Russo and Dennis Haley. Valerie Morgan was the only lady golfer.

First Place winner in the open division was Steven Pinard. Carl Haley won first place in the senior division, and Valerie Morgan was the ladies division winner.
Ken Haley, chairman of the tournament, was supported by committee members Richard Chubb, William Calloway and Mignon Chub-Hale. Other prizes were supplied by members of the Roanoke Chapter of which John H. Neal, Sr. is president.