One of the Roanoke Tribune’s many regular footers was: “Civilization is the life-long process of learning to be kind.” With the explosion of modern science and technology over recent decades, however, the practice of such process (and it takes a great deal of practice) is constantly being reduced as we become less in contact with real people through the advent of automation, recorded and text messages, etc. Likewise, too few of the remaining personal business contacts unfortunately fall far short of the mark when it comes to kindness and professional courtesy, once considered part of the training of employees of large and small businesses alike.
One of our recent presidents also spoke often of “a kinder, gentler society” while continuing to wage war on other parts of the world, which each successive President continues to do. It was former President Bill Clinton however who made the classic statement, “America must lead other nations by example and not by force.”
In his Independence Day address of 1852 Fredrick Douglass eloquently stated: “There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States. Go where you may, search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the Old World, travel through South America, search out every abuse and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation and you will say with me that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without rival.”
It should be becoming obvious by now that this revered nation, if per chance on some right track, is certainly heading full speed the wrong way! Couple this with the absence of former parental loving care in homes that included compulsory spiritual training (as opposed to religious indoctrination). One native American is reported to have said: ”We had land; White man come with Bible. Today we have Bible (on reservations); White man have land.”
Compare this also with the fact that the Presidential candidate with the most unimaginable insulting and derogatory campaign rhetoric ever recorded is currently respectfully transitioning into our nation’s highest office as President of the United States of America-–through its current “Electoral Votes” process! What message on earth does this send to the world that has held America as its standard bearer?
How often do we repeat the Baha’i passage, “In the world of existence there is no force greater than the magnet of love! Consider also that a magnet only draws like substance. Therefore, during this special season of love, may we each vow to reflect the warmth and glow of the Sun of Reality upon every soul we meet to add warmth, brilliance and hope to a world entrenched in and attracted by warring mentalities that annihilate all hope of a kinder, gentler society. (Investigate!–1-800-22UNITE)