“We are all God’s Children” will be the theme when “Church Women United in the Roanoke Valley (CWU-RV) holds its Fall Forum, established in 1941, is an ecumenical and racially inclusive group of Christian women working to end social, economic, and racial injustice. Consistent with the Bylaws, the CWU-RV fall meeting is dedicated to human rights and social justice.
The program planned by a committee led by Sharron Jeffrey includes a devotional message by Jennie Waering, music, a skit (written by Kathleen Beane Claytor), and personal stories of racial relations in the Roanoke Valley.
Please join us by Zoom on September 25, at 10 am or October 16, at 7 pm. The two sessions of the same program are offered to accommodate diverse schedules.
All interested parties should call or text 540-818-0520 to register for a session.