by S. Rotan Hale
As lines formed outside HAs lines formed outside Hotel Roanoke for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s town hall meeting held Monday, July, 25, about 100 anti-Trump supporters gathered outside the conference center in 2 shifts.
A group of several local high-profile democrats first held a news conference to publicly denounce the Trump candidacy as it zeroed in on the Star City.
During their comments those who spoke respectfully took issue with the Trump/Pence ticket and the campaign’s outrageous “below the belt” approach commonly referred to by democrats as “Trump’s dark and divisive “vision for America.”
“Last week at the Republican national Convention, we saw the worst aspects of Donald Trump and Mike Pence’s character,” said Susan Cloeter chair, Roanoke County Democrats.
“Their divisive rhetoric and dangerous ideas showed the country exactly what type of plan they have in mind for America.”
Cloeter further explained how the Trump/Pence team “doesn’t want to create a better, stronger America but wants a divided America.”
She denounced Trump’s treatment of women referring to his “insulting sexist comments” calling women “fat pigs, bimbos and dogs” and drove home the valid point that “our sons and daughters are listening.”

Continuing her attack, Cloeter rattled off a huge list of groups including Latinos, African Americans, Muslims, even the disabled and many others who have been the target of Trumps unbridled and insulting comments.
“Our country cannot afford Donald Trump and Mike Pence in the White House she said in closing remarks that followed a glaring endorsement of democratic challenger Hillary Clinton who officially became the party’s nominee Tuesday night (7/26) at the National Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, PA.
Others who spoke throughout the hour-long news conference basically echoed the sentiments expressed by Susan Cloeter.
“In his dark and twisted vision of America, Donald Trump and his bigoted policies would take us backward regarding the progress we’ve made for women, minorities, LGBTQ and many more Americans in this country,” said Carter Turner, associate professor, Religious Studies, Radford Univ. who also endorsed Clinton.
However it was Vice-Mayor Anita Price, using her background in education that allowed her to launch a well-crafted attack that sealed the gathering in grand fashion.
Price categorically condemned Trump first citing his “public displays of bullying, name calling and divisive and racist remarks that are difficult and embarrassing to explain to impressionable children.”
She spoke about proper communication with others as being the cornerstone to conveying ones ideals and plans and indirectly referencing Trump, she said “…belittling and shouting over others does not convey productive communication skills.”
“Bringing people together to effectively discuss differences and develop mutually decided upon action plans that represent collaboration is the way, not threatening, alienating and intimidating those who do not agree with you.”
“If Trump’s behavior were displayed in a school he would be severely disciplined and probably suspended,” added Price speaking as a seasoned educator who used the impressive analogy to size up Trump’s “deplorable behavior.”
Giving high praise to the democratic ticket she announced her support for the Clinton/Kaine team.

During his brief remarks, Democratic Senator John Edwards went biblical equating Trump and his supporters to the “children of darkness.”
One potential disrupter, Paul Gee invaded the rally toting his anti Hillary sign only to be expertly blocked from cameras by Freeda Cathcart a staunch democrat, wielding her sign, who effectively out maneuvered the lone Trump supporter.
“I believe in freedom of speech which has been silenced by Hillary supporters who come to our (Trump) rallies all the time shoving people and starting fights. This stuff has got to stop,” said Gee who was mildly disgruntled and proceeded to sling defamatory accusations at Hillary Clinton.

– Photo by S. Hale
More protesters from both camps assembled later as the Trump rally got underway inside the hotel, yet no incidents involving actual physical altercations ensued.
The rally, that also included his running mate Mike Pence, was one of several stops following the recently held Republican National Convention. Their visit to the area also came on the heels of the selection of Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as Hillary Clinton’s running mate–a development that provided more fodder for what many see as Trump’s “dark and divisive” campaign.