by Kamila Love
My very first article in The Roanoke Tribune was on “Things to do in Roanoke” and I did say I would be back to keep you in the loop of more cool things to do.
So I’m back! — And I know sometimes it feels like there’s absolutely nothing to do in the Star City–trust me, I know. But that’s what I’m here for, to dig them up and present them to you.
Because it is now the festive time of the season, most of the events will probably have holiday themes–which is a plus. There’s nothing like the holidays to cheer you up. In fact it is “The most wonderful time of the year.”
So, first things first, let’s talk about ice skating. I know I’m kind of skipping ahead. Technically it is still Autumn, but it does start in Autumn so I can technically talk about it.
The very first outdoor skating rink will open up on November 23 in Elmwood Park. How cool is that?
It’s something out of a movie–a sure place to make memories! So at least from this month all the way up to February 14 when it closes, you can’t say Roanoke sucks! Which is a phrase I hear quite often.
The skating rink will be open 4-9pm-Monday through Thursday, 4pm to 10pm Fridays, 11am-10pm- Saturdays; noon to 7pm on Sundays with extended hours, 11am to 10pm when school is out. And the fee is not expensive at all—only $6 ($2 extra for skate rentals). There’s also ice skating at The Berglund Center at the same rates.
For my art lovers there’s “Roanoke’s Monthly Local Art Pop-Up Market” which is every second Sunday, the next one is December 13. The name is pretty self explanatory, local artists display their work at The City Market Building in Downtown Roanoke. It starts 11am to 3pm and you can find a variety of art from paintings to pottery to jewelry to comic books. It’s a very diverse set up. And in case you’re into relaxing your mind and body you can always go to “Yoga at the Museum” at The Taubman Museum of Art. It’s every Monday from 12:30-1:30pm. The fee per class is $10 non-members, $7 museum members and $5 for museum volunteers. Registration is available online.
And for my ladies we have “The Virginia Women’s Conference: Leadership and Lifelong Learning.” on Saturday, Nov. 21, 8am to 3:30pm, hosted by Senator Mark R. Warner. So that would be a great place to get your networking on. Oh, and I almost forgot the most important part, it’s completely free and held at Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center.
By the way, have you done your holiday shopping yet? Have no fear, I am here to suggest that you go to “Monster Indoor Flea Market” also on the 21 of November. It starts at 7am and ends at 3pm at The Berglund Special Events Center. There will be hundreds of booths, so I’m sure you’ll find something that you will like–and it’s free! But if you’re interested in being a vendor it’s $25.
I know I’m skipping ahead but a heads up is always a good thing. “Dickens of Christmas” this year celebrates its 33rd anniversary.
The 3-day event occurs on the first three Fridays of December. The Lighting of Roanoke’s Christmas tree will be on December 4, 5:30 -10pm. Also the Christmas Parade on December 11 from 6-10pm, and The Snow Zone on December 18 also from 6-10pm. A great event for the entire family that is free.
So now there’s no excuse. I’ve given you plenty of suggestions with more to come. But for now… Twa-la.