Hometown…Roanoke native Arthur Thomason

by The Courier Staff
COLUMBUS, GA — Accolades have been given to the Red Cross volunteers who assisted recent evacuees to Columbus, GA, but the real heroes are the staff of the Columbus Civic Center who worked 24/7 during their stay.
“I have to commend our staff for their patience and compassion for the individuals who were misplaced from their homes due to the hurricane” states Art Thomason, Event Services manager, and staff person in charge of the building.
In addition to the staff personal recognition is due to two individuals; Nicole Adderly, one of a Civic Center Advisory Board member, who was here every day, and partner Lauren Chambers with Amerigroup who helped organize volunteers to serve breakfast and lunch through the crisis.”
Thomason was quick to also recognize that their efforts were a total collaboration between the American Red Cross, The Department of Health Services, DFACS (Division of Family and Children Services), Columbus Fire and Safety including Riley Lind the EMO.
(Arthur Thomason is the son of Bobby and Roxie Thomason of Roanoke.)