On Saturday, Feb. 3, 262 gifted and talented students from across the Roanoke Valley participated in Roanoke Valley Governor’s School for Science and Technology’s annual Student Project Forum. The following local students received top awards in their categories:

William Fleming High School: Jessica Goad, 1st Place, Systems Software A (a Wearable Device to Monitor the Symptoms of Heat Stroke); Sarah Hall, 3rd Place, Animal Sciences B (The Effects of Centella asiatica on the Heart Rate of Daphnia magna); Tiana Horace, 2nd Place, Animal Sciences A (Analyzing the Hybrid Zone Between G. firmus and G. pennsylvanicus Using Three SNPs); Jai’Chaun Paige, 1st Place, Plant Sciences A (The Effect of Juglone on Expression of ARR5, a Gene Involved in Root Growth in Arabidopsis); London Paige, 3rd Place, Microbiology B (The Effect of Commercial and Natural Disinfectants on the Growth of E.coli); Uyen Tran, 3rd Place, Biomedical and Health Sciences A (The Effect of Natural Versus Synthetic Antibiotics on the Growth of E. coli) and James Whiting, 3rd Place, Engineering Mechanics C (The Amorous All Consuming Robotic Arm).
Over 180 parents, local businesses, and community supporters generously donated gift cards, gift certificates, and cash for the event.
The complete list of award winners, major sponsors, and the schedule for the various science fairs that Governor’s School students may attend can be found on the school website, at www.rvgs.k12.va.us.