The Women United for Community Action (WUCA) presented an awesome fashion show & luncheon entitled, “Haute Roanoke Trends” that featured designer clothing from some of the area’s most popular boutiques and clothing stores. The two hundred plus patrons truly enjoyed the fashion and the luncheon that was held at the Holiday Inn, Ordway Drive on Sunday, March 22, 2015.

The WUCA is composed of 31 women with expertise in education, business, medical and social fields. The women came together because they saw a need to provide financial support, educational expertise and leadership for the Northwest Child Development Center. The group organized as the Northwest Child Development Auxiliary in 2011 was the brainstorm of the president, Carolyn Patterson.
The fashion show has been the group’s major fundraiser for four years. Proceeds from this annual event have been donated to NWCD center for the purchase of playground equipment a roof and beautification projects and to the Roanoke Branch NAACP’s ACT-SO program to assist the competitors with travel and housing expenses. After the mission and name change to WUCA, the group has decided to award funds to worthy youth groups each year.

The fashion show, a huge success, showcased fashions from local companies. Global Couture, was presented by She’s International and owner Diane Speaks. The elegant ladies modeled Luxuries from Europe and Beyond. The boutique is located in Salem, VA, and it has the most unique jewelry, clothing, shoes and pocketbooks that have come from several European countries.
Rosa Weeks, owner of Christy’s Apparel and Accessories presented Valley Chic clothing and pocketbooks with a personal touch. Her vendor’s table was also a big hit. Christy’s is now located at Tower Shopping Center.

The newest designer in town, Terrisa Vaughn, showcased her personally designed and created bridal fashions. Her store, Custom Bridal and Formals, is located downtown and Miss Vaughn creates whatever you want.
Fashionista Roanoke presented Birdy’s Loft with vintage clothing that never grows old with Refashion and Upscale designs. The classy designs had everyone’s attention.

Everyone loves a beautiful fur coat and owner, Henri Kessler, of Kessler’s Furs brought his best to the show as the models “Topped It Off” with furs and outerwear. Furs– full length, short, reversible and colorful mid-length raincoats were “ooohed” and “aaahed” by the ladies in the audience and put on each one’s wish list.
As an added treat, Danette “Fuzzy” Woods gave the audience a mini hair show featuring “50 Shades of Pink”. The male and female models gave everyone an opportunity to see creative hairstyles and some additional entertainment.

This was not a typical fashion show. The MC, Garland Gravely, President and Co-Founder of Fashionista Roanoke, Inc. served as the MC and with his background in fashion, provided expert fashion comments. J. O. Diggs, new R& B /Soul Recording Artist, provided entertainment with two of his studio recordings.
“Fashion Week” came to Roanoke on Sunday and the WUCA are to be commended for an awesome show. Please continue to patronize these stores as they continue to support community events and projects. Evie Brandon was the committee chair and Carolyn Patterson is the president.