Your presence is requested by the Dumas Hotel Legacy Group in honoring , a legendary All-Star Catcher in the Negro League. Mr. LeGrande is the last remaining member of the Satchel Paige All Stars and a lifelong resident of Roanoke. He grew up in Salem, VA and is an alumni of Carver High School in Salem.
Mayor Sherman P. Lea, Sr. will be on hand to present LeGrande with a proclamation from the City. LeGrande will also receive a presentation from the Dumas Hotel Legacy, Inc. He will be introduced by one of his fellow Carver alumni Dr. Marilyn Harman.
This event will take place at 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 9, at Mountain View Center, 714 13th Street SW.
Tickets are $25 per person and $40 per couple! LeGrande will also have a collection of memorabilia for sale. Tickets can be purchased at A. Byron Smith Complex 1818 Centre Ave., NW.
To RSVP 540-819-2072 please call Sharon Hicks. Proceeds to support purchase of the Historic Dumas Center and donations can also be made via GoFundMe/Preserving Legacy, c/o: The Dumas Hotel Legacy, Inc., or by contacting Shmura Glenn at 540-343-5219.